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Wednesday, November 16

Martinis & variations


Gin, frozen, (Hendricks or Venus)

4 ounces

Vermouth, sweet


Olives or lemon rind


  1. Swirl the vermouth in a frozen martini glass, tossing any that doesn’t freeze to the glass. 
  2. Pour in the gin.
  3. Garnish with olives or lemon.

Vodka, Skky

1 ½ ounces

Vodka, apple flavored

1 ½ ounces

Green apple syrup

¼ ounce

Lemon  juice, fresh

¼ ounce

Apple slice


  1. Shake all ingredients (excluding the garnish) with ice.
  2. Pour into a chilled glass.
  3. Garnish with apple slice, if you’re feeling fancy.

Bailey’s Irish Creme

2 ounces

Creme de Cacao

1 ounce

Vodka, Skky

1 ounce

Cocoa powder

1 tablespoon

Sugar, brown

1 tablespoon

  1. Combine the cocoa powder and sugar on a plate. 
  2. Shake all liquid ingredients with ice. 
  3. Wet the rim of a chilled glass with Bailey’s, and coat the glass’s rim with the cocoa-sugar mixture. 
  4. Pour the chocolatini into the glass, and serve.

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